Q1 2024 Newsletter


A Message From Our Director of Development

A few weeks ago, we had a wonderful new volunteer show up. It was one of those good interruptions in the day where I set my planned work aside and got to know someone who is eager to serve our survivors at House of Cherith. I missed lunch, though, and decided to visit the Atlanta Breakfast Club cafe on the other side of our campus. While waiting for my order, I was greeted by a fellow employee I'd passed in the halls. She shared her story and revealed that she was a trafficking survivor and resident at House of Cherith. She came to us pregnant and traumatized. Now, she is safe and employed, and her baby girl is thriving in preschool. Her gratitude filled the room and moved my heart closer to the heart of Jesus.

That day of interruptions reminded me that people's stories are more important than my to-do lists and goals. 

My job is to find the resources we need to do our work, but YOU, donors and volunteers, are more important to House of Cherith than your next gift or hour serving in the boutique. You are part of this community. You are in our ranks in this fight for freedom against sexual exploitation, and we want this fight to bring you closer to God.

There's no doubt that we need volunteers and money. We have an epic battle to fight to serve all the women and girls God is bringing to our doors. We need to expand our facilities to house the women and children we often have to turn away. There's a shortage of beds nationwide for women fleeing trafficking with their children. We are heartbroken by turning them away, and we need to raise funds to build out new spaces and hire staff to care for these families.

Raising the funds we need will require us to grow our network of supporters. We need your voice and networks to invite more people to fight the insidious evil of sexual exploitation by helping women reclaim their lives, renew their faith, and rekindle their hope at House of Cherith.  

It is important for me to tell you, however, that we also want you to grow in your relationship with God. I want you to be "enriched in every way" (2 Cor. 9:11) when you give to House of Cherith. The needs are great, and we will ask for your help with shameless audacity on behalf of our survivors, but I want you to become richer by giving.  

I hope God will interrupt your day today and call you to join His work. I pray that the stories from our residents will interrupt your life and lead you to "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."  


Matt McGee, Director of Development

Safe House Project Gold Certification

We are proud to announce that House of Cherith has received Gold certification through the Safe House Project certification process! According to the Safe House Project, safe homes awarded a Gold certification have demonstrated their success in providing ethical, safe, therapeutic, well-resourced, and sustainable residential programming to survivors while meeting best practices in survivor care as established through empirical research and survivor input.​​​​​​​​
We are honored to receive this award and are so thankful for all the staff, donors, volunteers, and supporters who have helped us achieve this high honor!


Rewrite Ladies Luncheon

Thank you to everyone who came and supported House of Cherith at our annual Rewrite Ladies Luncheon! We had a wonderful time raising awareness, sharing the mission of House of Cherith, and hearing from keynote speaker Kathrine Wolf. 

Because of your generosity, we raised $126,500! Your support enables us to equip our ladies with the tools to reclaim their dignity and self-worth, renew their faith in humanity, and rekindle their passion for a lifetime of success.


House of Cherith Golf Classic

We had a wonderful time at our fourth annual House of Cherith Golf Classic at Marietta Country Club! Because of the generosity of players, supporters, and sponsors, we raised $51,000 towards the Fight for Freedom!

2023 Annual Report

Take a look inside our 2023 Annual Report to learn some amazing stories, astounding statistics, and how we are fighting for freedom.


Story of Hope

“Ever since I came out of a domestic violent relationship, House of Cherith has been a saving grace for me. The relationship I was in took everything from me. House of Cherith is giving me back my joy and giving me hope with God’s intervention. I am now free to be the best me possible. 

It takes courage for someone to ask for help and when I finally got the courage to leave and find help, God brought me to House of Cherith. They welcomed me with open arms and to this day continue to pour unconditional love into me.” 

-L | Resident at House of Cherith


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