Debbie's Journey with House of Cherith's Fight Club

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For the past three years, Debbie Lancaster has been a dedicated member of House of Cherith's Fight Club. Fight Club is a monthly giving community with every dollar going directly towards helping women, families, and young girls recover from the trauma of sexual exploitation. It's a commitment to making a tangible difference, month after month.

Debbie's journey with House of Cherith began years ago when she first discovered the organization. She was immediately drawn to the impactful work being done by its leaders to bring about change in the community.

What truly solidified Debbie's dedication was hearing the stories of women who had been rescued and meeting them in person over the years. Their stories of resilience and restoration deeply inspired her, igniting a passion for the mission of House of Cherith.

"Listening to these stories and reading about them has profoundly affected my journey as a Fight Club member," Debbie shares. "It's given me an inside look into the lives of these women and fueled a deeper commitment to fighting for their freedom."

Joining Fight Club wasn't just about giving for Debbie; it was about understanding the resources needed to support the residents fully. Witnessing the resources needed for their journey to healing, inspired her to join our monthly giving community.

"I want to put my money where my mouth is," Debbie says. "Knowing the impact and seeing the necessity first hand drives my giving."

Debbie encourages others to delve into the stories of the women at House of Cherith. She believes that by understanding their journeys, one can't help but feel drawn to support House of Cherith. With countless lives already touched, there's an ever going call to contribute to the ongoing efforts to provide hope and healing to those who have experienced the traumas of sexual exploitation.

It's not just the mission that keeps Debbie involved with House of Cherith; it's the continuous updates, newsletters, Rewrite Blog, and quarterly gifts. These small gestures serve as reminders of the impact her contributions are making.

For those new to House of Cherith, Debbie suggests taking a tour to truly grasp the organization's work firsthand. Witnessing the transformative impact on women, families, and young girls is an eye-opening experience that often leads to deeper involvement.

Join Debbie and our community of individuals passionate about Fighting for Freedom!